
a kind of body length Learn more about a kind of body length

  • The elegant Little Princess "Fairy Fish" Culture Collection of Tropical Fish

    The elegant Little Princess

    Fairy fish, also known as swallow fish, angel, small fairy fish, small fin sailing fish, etc., Riceae fish, native to South America Guiana, Brazil. The fairy fish grows 12-15 centimeters.

  • What kind of food do thirteen-star ladybugs eat?

    What kind of food do thirteen-star ladybugs eat?

    What kind of food do thirteen-star ladybugs eat?

  • What kind of fish is a tiger fish?

    What kind of fish is a tiger fish?

    Tiger fish belong to offshore bottom fish, and their body color varies with depth, generally dark brown in coastal shallow waters and red or yellow in deep waters of the open sea. Do you know what it looks like? What kinds do you have? What does the tiger fish look like? Old

    2020-11-11 Tiger fish what is it tiger belong to offshore bottom miscellaneous fish
  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and its selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and its selection criteria

    1. Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium-sized fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, with 50~53cm body length, short coat, brownish yellow undercoat and few black hair tips. The black vertical lines on the back are also not obvious. ② northeast subspecies: of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces, body length 5

  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs in China can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, 50~53cm in length, short coat, brown undercoat, less black hair tips, and no obvious black vertical lines on the back. ② northeast subspecies: from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces, with a body length of 56cm 90c

  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    1. Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium-sized fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, with 50~53cm body length, short coat, brownish yellow undercoat and few black hair tips. The black vertical lines on the back are also not obvious. Northeast subspecies of ②: from Heilongjiang

  • How to identify the quality of fish species in aquaculture

    How to identify the quality of fish species in aquaculture

    Strong fish species is not only an important basis for increasing adult fish production, but also one of the main conditions to improve the survival rate of fish species. The main standards for identifying the quality of fish species are 5.

  • What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

    What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

    What kind of feed does clown fish eat?

  • What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

  • What species of monkeys?

    What species of monkeys?

    Monkeys are relatively high-level animals in the animal kingdom. They are generally seen in ecological parks or tropical forests. What species of monkeys do you have? 1. The macaque is 51~63 cm in length, short tail, cheek pouch, thick body, forelimbs and hind limbs about the same length, thumb can

    2020-11-11 monkey have which breed is animal kingdom middle relatively
  • A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

  • How do peacock fish divide male and female

    How do peacock fish divide male and female

    How do peacock fish divide male and female

  • How to raise ornamental fish, silver arowana? Mixed with these six kinds of fish!

    How to raise ornamental fish, silver arowana? Mixed with these six kinds of fish!

    Silver arowana, also known as double-whisker hyoid fish, is a kind of ornamental fish with easy breeding, low feeding cost and high ornamental value, so many people like to keep a tank at home or at work, so how to raise silver arowana? What kind of fish do you mix with? First, how to raise silver arowana? Silver

    2020-11-11 Ornamental fish silver arowana how raise and these six kinds fish mix
  • In the countryside, without the force of flood and famine, it is easy to get the weight of livestock in one move.

    In the countryside, without the force of flood and famine, it is easy to get the weight of livestock in one move.

    In the countryside, without the force of flood and famine, it is easy to get the weight of livestock in one move.

  • How long is the longest earthworm in the world? It is the most valuable animal on earth!

    How long is the longest earthworm in the world? It is the most valuable animal on earth!

    Earthworm is an invertebrate, the body is cylindrical, the whole body is composed of more than 100 segments, there are many kinds, there are more than 2500 species, different species, different body length, the common earthworm body length 90150 mm. So, how long is the longest earthworm in the world?

    2020-11-11 The longest earthworm in the world has how long it unexpectedly is
  • Guangling donkey

    Guangling donkey

    Produced in Guangling County, Shanxi Province. It can be divided into three types according to body size: large, medium and small. Those with a height of more than 1.30 meters are large, whose weight is about 260 kilograms, those with a body length of 1.35 meters and those with a height of less than 1.10 meters are small, those with a weight of about 138 kilograms and those with a body length of about 1.05 meters between large and small are medium-sized. Medium is the most common among the three categories. The color selection of male or female donkeys is very strict. Generally speaking, black eyebrows are regarded as colored, followed by Qinghua eyebrows, black aconitum and tung hair. The coat needs to be rough, and this kind of donkey is strong.

  • Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Nowadays, people have all kinds of pets, and this has led to the development of special farming projects in rural areas. Today, let's talk about the breeds of foxes. At present, there are two genera of foxes raised in the world, namely, the genus Foxus and the arctic fox and the variants of these two genera. It is found in the genus Fox.

    2020-11-27 Foxes common breeding type breed introduction present human breeding
  • What is the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish of the stone head fish family? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price per jin? What's the difference between Pseudosciaena Crocea and yellow croaker?

    What is the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish of the stone head fish family? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price per jin? What's the difference between Pseudosciaena Crocea and yellow croaker?

    Yellow lip fish, also known as money fish and gold fish, is a kind of protected animal in our country. It is expensive because the swim bladder has high value. At present, many people also cultivate it artificially. What is the swim bladder of yellow lip fish? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price?

    2020-11-11 Stone head fish family yellow lip fish swim bladder what is it can help Mo eat
  • Chicken heart hanging upside down

    Chicken heart hanging upside down

    Scientific name: Acanthurusachilles maximum body length: 20cm food: herbivorous bait supply: artificially dried pellet feed natural seaweed seaweed regional concept: strong software cylinder suitability: carefully recommend minimum water supply: 400L water supply difficulty: difficult chicken heart upside down hanging needs enough activity space, it is recommended to provide at least 400L water to raise. The territoriality of chicken heart hanging upside down is also quite high.

  • large yellow croaker

    large yellow croaker

    (1) Morphological characteristics: large yellow croaker body elongated, flat side, dorsal and ventral margin wide arc, slender tail stalk. The body length is 3.5 - 4.2 times the body height and 3.4 - 3.8 times the head length. The head length is 3.9 - 5.0 times the length of the snout and 3.5 - 5.7 times the eye diameter. The length of the tail stalk is 3.4 - 3.8 times the height of the tail stalk. The dorsal and upper sides are yellow-brown, the lower and ventral sides are golden yellow, the dorsal and caudal fins are grayish yellow, the pectoral and ventral fins are yellow, and the lips are orange. The head side is flat, large and pointed obtuse, with developed mucus cavity. Mouth obtuse, larger than eye diameter. Kissing pleats intact, not
